Mô tả
Bienvenidos! Welcome everybody to the Spanish world! It is going to be my honor to let you know about my mother tongue! Before you get yourselves into it, please, let me introduce a bit about the language and about this program ^_^.
Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world (after chinese and english) and one of the most beautiful and romantic! What makes the language characteristic is that we can use a lot of words and sentences to describe one object, one idea, one emotional state, one song, etc.
Spanish is spoken in Spain, all over South America (except from Brazil) and Central America. However, there are few differences in the regions (not just the accent but also some specific words). Here we are going to learn the neutral Spanish and see also the differences in the regions.
When you’re learning your first language, you don’t need to know much about grammar to speak correctly, but when you are picking a second one, it becomes very essential if you want to say something more than ¡Hola! and ¡Muchas gracias! Although can be very boring it is actually what makes the Spansh fun and exciting. The main porpose of this program is that you, as a student, have fun while you are learning the language!
Each class we will introudce new words so you can get new and fresh vocabulary! We will combine grammar + speaking in a comfortable ambient so you can feel relax, easy and ready to enjoy the teaching!
Hope you will enjoy with Spanish! See ya soon! Nos vemos pronto:)!